Need Garage Door Repair In Peachtree City? | Call Davis Garage Doors
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(678) 820-6323
Peachtree City, GA

We Can Adjust Your Garage Door Today!

Garage Door Adjustment
Peachtree City, GA

We have received 30 Reviews, Averaging 4.97 Stars!

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We've Restored 1,000's Of Garage Doors To Working Order.

Garage Door Acting Up On You?

  • It's Scraping & Screaching
  • The Alignment's Off
  • It's Too Loose
  • The Rails Keep Rattling
  • It's Too Stiff
  • The Rollers Are Crooked

The More A Misaligned Garage Door Is Used...

The Worst The Damage Can Become!

Door Adjustments You Can Trust!

Swift Service In Less Than 24 Hours.

Once you Give Us A Call, we'll be able to schedule an appointment for your garage door maintenance within the next 24 Hours.

And better yet. our team is often able to provide Same-Day Maintenance as well.

Garage Door Maintenance has never been so swiftand smooth, as your doors should be.


Who Will Answer Your Call?

Meet Mr. Justin Davis.

He's the Owner and Operator of Davis Garage Doors, and he'll likely speak with you about all your repairs needs and questions.

The privacy and security of your garage and its contents are important to you, so Justin and his team will come out to you and Repair Your Garage ASAP!

We're Experts At Garage Adjustments.

- Over 12+ Years Of Garage Door Experience

★★★★★ Rating Reviews from Satisfied Customers

- 1,000's Of Doors Adjusted & Fixed

We're Peachtree City's Go-To For Garage Door Adjustments!

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Call (678) 820-6323 To Reach Davis Garage Door

We're Peachtree City's Local Garage Door Adjustment Specialists!

1. 1,000's Of Successful Projects

2. On-Time, Respectful Technicians

3. Same-Day Adjustments, Repairs & Maintenance

4. Customer-First Satisfaction Warranty

5. Fair Prices That Never Pressure You To Buy

6. Highest Quality Parts & Materials Used

Recent Jobs

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: Nov 6, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Detached, Double Garage Door Replacements
Brief Explanation

How Did We Help Out This Local Customer?

We helped a Peachtree City native by replacing their double detached garage doors.

They'd apparently been meaning to replace these doors for some time but just kept putting it off and putting it off until finally they were fed up with procrastinating.

Once they started looking into some local garage door replacement experts, they quickly came across us.

They were hesitant at first as to how soon we'd be able to help them, but once we scheduled them down for an appointment that worked best for their lifestyle, they were more than willing to give us a try.

Ultimately, regarding this customer's detached double garage door, they ended up choosing a more contemporary garage door style in the far simpler shade of white rather than their prior dark-green.

These two new garage doors also included some top, see-through window panel as well.

Whether it's your first garage door replacement or not, you can rest easy knowing that we're by far the best service around when it comes to addressing Detached Garage Door Replacements in Peachtree City, GA.

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: Aug 8, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Double Garage Door Installation And Renovation
Brief Explanation

How Was This Installation Different From Others We've Seen?

It's not an unusual occurrence these days for people to transform their worn-out garage into a beautiful, furnished living space.

Through an interesting turn of events though, a homeowner contacted us in regards to doing the opposite with their space.

Thus, for this particular project, we helped to revert this furnished garage space back into a regular garage area.

One aspect of this entire job which made the process already much more streamlined was in how the outside frames for the double-door openings were still present.

As a result, these still intact points of reference made this project much more of a draw-and-cut job versus say a draw-cut-measure-square-align job, which we're still great at, but often takes much longer.

Obviously, the first order of business was to get to work with knocking out the walls where the new garage doors would soon be going.

Once this was complete, we then put in the proper for infrastructure to the garage doors, took out the carpet, and then made sure everything was clean and secure once all of these other steps were completed.

Give Us A Call Today for any and all of your double garage door installations, needs, or services.

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: Jul 31, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Garage Door Gear Assembly And Opener Repair
Brief Explanation

What Was Wrong With This Customer's Garage Door?

We recently got a call from a distraught customer who was experiencing some issues with their garage door which was refusing to open on them.

Turns out that they actually were experiencing a worn out gear assembly bushing which was causing the main garage door chain to come off of the door.

This is what caused their garage door to remain stationary despite them clearing hearing the opener motor turning and operating correctly as usual.

The longer a situation such as this one occurs, the worse the overall condition of your garage door will become.

That’s why it’s always imperative to address garage door issues as soon as they may arise.

Putting off having it addressed can only lead to more problems if not potentially hazardous accidents or situations as well!

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: May 3, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Garage Door Upgrade Installation
Brief Explanation

What New Style Did They Choose?

We helped to conduct an upgrade installation on a local Peachtree City customer's 3-door garage.

These customers had had the same paneled garage doors for nearly as long as they had this house.

There weren't any sorts of aggravations or problems with there garage doors. They simply felt that it was time for an upgrade.

We helped to lay out a wide variety of options for them during this process. We discussed if they wanted the same color, style, types of paneling, and so on.

Ultimately, they chose to go with some carriage style doors in next to the exact same shade as their previous ones.


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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: May 3, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Garage Door Torsion Spring Replacement
Brief Explanation

What Was Wrong With This Customer's Garage Door?

We helped a local customer in Peachtree City with an issue that they were experiencing with their garage door.

Turned out that their torsion spring had broken and thus rendered their garage door opener completely useless.

The customer mentioned to us that they had rarely, if ever, had a garage door maintenance conducted. Unsurprisingly, this was the result.

Once we took off the old tension spring, we quickly replaced it with a similar one that had the same amount of tension yet was a little bit longer than the original one.

After the replacement was completed, we then wound the spring to up to the proper tension and called it a day.

Overall, our customer was extremely satisfied with their service and mentioned that they'd be quick to contact us if they ever needed any more help with their garage.

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City, GA
When: Apr 18, 2018
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Garage Door Replacement
Brief Explanation

Why Did They Contact Us?

A new customer gave us a call because they'd finally had enough of their garage door issues.

One of their garage doors was extensively run down and in desperate need of a replacement while the other one... Well, there really wasn't an "other" one at all. Just a large, unsightly gaping hole in the side of their house.

Thankfully all was not lost. We've helped similar customers in situations such as this, and it's a lot more common than most tend to think.

These particular customers choose us because we're local to the Peachtree City area and because they admired some of our prior customer recommendations seen in some of our 15+ 5-Star reviews.

Who Leave An Open Entrance To Their Garage?

One aspect of this common occurrence ties into an admirable do-it-yourself mentality. While this mindset is often enough for, say, small projects like changing a lightbulb or troubleshooting a faulty toilet, this is rarely the case when it comes to precise, specialized work such as the craft and skill of garage door repairs and replacements.

There is much more to a garage door replacement and installation than initially meets the eye. There's measuring, alignment, leveling, proper spring tension, satisfactory tightness rations, track stability, and so on.

So while a fair portion of people may initially feel that they can accomplish putting in a new garage door themselves on a Saturday afternoon to fill in the large entrance to their house, it rarely happens.

It soon just becomes one more task added on to their ever-growing to-do list of side projects and. And since this specific process is one which isn't easily learned overnight, we're more than happy to assist any of our customers who've gone through this same process.

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Job Details

Location of Job: Newnan
When: Aug 25, 2017
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Garage Door Replaced, Garage Door Track Replaced
Brief Explanation

Wooden Garage Doors are great, until they get old. Then they start to fall apart. They are also very heavy and dangerous if your garage door is not opening properly.

We were contacted by this customer when they had noticed that the wooden panels on the doors were rotted and falling apart. They have 2 single car garage doors and knew both of them would need to be replaced.

I set up an appointment to meet with them and upon arriving I was able to inspect the doors and sure enough there was no salvaging these doors. They had lasted as long as they were going to. I pulled out my catalog with all the different garage door options, styles and colors. It didn't take long for this customer to decide on a door that they liked and felt would match the house as well as spruce up the look. You can see in the pictures that the door is a lot more decorative than the standard wood panel doors that they had previously. Even though this door was a much nicer door with decorative hinges and glass, our customer was surprised at how affordable it was. We explained that we are able to offer great products on our prices because we don't mark them up like the big retail stores do. We can typically offer better pricing if you buy directly through us than you could if you were to buy the parts on your own.

After they had picked out the doors they wanted, I called the warehouse to verify they had the doors in stock. I set up an appointment to install the doors the following day.

I picked up the doors and inspected them the same day to make sure there were no issues or defects in the doors.

The next day I showed up and they had actually cleared the garage space for me so I was able to get right to work. The removal of the old doors and installation of the new doors went very smooth.

Another benefit of buying the Garage Doors directly from us is that the new doors come with new tracks. We removed all the old tracks and installed the new tracks. We wanted these new doors to work seamlessly for many years to come.

After a several hours both doors were installed and opening and closing smoothly and quietly. These doors are made of aluminum which is lighter and quieter than the old wood paneled doors.

The funnest part of the job was seeing the look on our customers faces as they came outside and saw the door for themselves. Up until now they had only seen pictures of the doors and had to imagine what it looked like on their house. They were very happy to see how good it turned out. The new doors really helped add to the curb appeal of the house.

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Job Details

Location of Job: Fayetteville, GA
When: Sep 2, 2016
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Replaced The Garage Door, Springs And Track
Brief Explanation

Exceeding customers expectations is one of my favorite things to do.

When Mr. and Mrs. Newsam contacted me I could sense a little bit of urgency in their voices. After a minute of talking on the phone I could understand why. Their sons wedding rehearsal was one week away and at their house!

Their concern was valid. Having a group of people at their house going in and out of a garage door that is 30 years old, worn out and dangerous should make anyone nervous.

They also informed me that this garage door was not your standard 2 car garage door. It was "extra-wide".

I was able to make it to their house pretty quick, measured the door and showed them all the different options of door styles and colors. They found a beautiful carriage style Door and a color that matched their house perfectly.

I was able to pick up the garage door the next day. The install went flawlessly. When we were done the customer received a new Garage Door, Springs and Tracks. The door opens smoothly and quietly.

The best part of the job we seeing the customers faces when the came out for the first time and saw their beautiful carriage style garage door. After they opened and closed the door several times listening to the quiet hum of the motor as the door glided smoothly up and down the track and seeing look on their faces I knew they were happy.

Their fears of a closing deadline with a dangerous, extra-wide garage door were now in the past. We were so grateful we were able to help out!

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Job Details

Location of Job: Peachtree City
When: Sep 9, 2016
Service Category: Residential
Services Performed: Replaced Garage Door, Springs and Track
Brief Explanation

One of our previous customers called us up to come look at one of her rental properties that had a "broken garage door". As soon as we pulled up we could definitely see the problem. The lower garage door panel was completely broken.

Our main concern with a broken door is safety. These old wooden doors are HEAVY! We have seen door fall of the tracks before and usually damages whatever it hits. Needless to say our customer wanted this fixed asap.

One thing we do to make sure we are efficient is to do an analysis of the entire system. After a thorough inspection of the system we found that the Garage Door Opener was just fine. What needed to be replaced was the: Garage Door, Garage Door Springs, & Garage Door Track.

Now was the time to pick a new door. We spent time with her discussing the different garage door styles and materials as well as the different color options. This being a rental property, it didn't take her long to pick a garage door that was in stock at our supplier.

We finalized the estimate and left it with our customer. The next morning we received a call telling us to go ahead and fix the door. We were able to get all the parts that morning and finished the installation of the new door, springs and track that afternoon. It was another smooth install and happy customer. She was very pleased with the new door and the way it added to the curb appeal.

Recent Reviews

Delayne Ryms

Peachtree City, GA

Date: Jan 31, 2020
I received excellent service. The estimates were prompt, with itemized options, and the lowest of many other garage door services. The work was fast and efficient, and the invoice was emailed immediately after payment. Highly recommended.

"The Work Was Fast And Efficient."

Joe Smith

Fayetteville, GA

Date: Oct 17, 2019
Similar story to other reviews here. Justin was easy to get a hold of, and was able to quickly replace our garage opener at a fair price. Only serves Coweta & Fayette Counties, so he is always around. Highly recommend Davis Garage, will definitely use them again in the future.

"Will Definitely Use Them Again In The Future."

Dennis Allison

Newnan, GA

Date: Sep 4, 2019
I called at 10:41 on a Saturday morning and Justin had replaced my broken garage door extension spring with a torsion spring by 1:15 that afternoon. I couldn't ask for more responsive, courteous, and professional service, and the door works better than ever. For high-quality work at a fair price, call Davis Garage Doors!

"High-Quality Work At A Fair Price."

We Give You Robust Adjustments!

Call Today To Schedule Your Personal Appointment!

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Davis Garage Door

Peachtree City, GA 32069

Some Garage Door Companies Pressure You...

Into Purchasing Services Or Parts That Aren't Required.

We'll Just Adjust Your Door.

We vow to ONLY do the necessary adjustments to your garage on based upon your requests and needs in mind always.

One of the main purposes that Mr. Davis started his own garage door company in the first place was because the prior one which he worked at was doing it all wrong.

They would pressure their technicians to push higher sales and services onto their customer, even if they weren't needed in the first place.

Sadly, this sales strategy is more common than it should be within the garage door industry, but it's certainly one that NOT here at Davis Garage Doors.

Rather, we believe in good ol' fashion word of mouth is the best kind of selling we can possibly do.

Don't Be Pressured Into Purchasing...

Nonessential Products or Add-Ons.

We're Your Straight-To-The-Point Garage Door Experts.

In addition to adjustments, we've worked on 1,000's of garage door jobs involving:

- Garage Door Installations

- Spring Tightening and Rewinding

- Opener Repairs and Installations

- Complete Door and Part Replacements

- Panel Repairs and Refurbishing

- And Many More.

We know all there is to know about the garage door business, and we always pride ourselves on keeping things straightforward and simple.

We Never Stray From Adjustments Done The Right Way!

Give Us A Call Now To Finally Fix Your Garage Door.

Call Us: (678) 820-6323

Text Us: (678) 820-6323

Email Us

Send Us A Written Letter

Davis Garage Door

Peachtree City, GA 32069


1. Can We Work On Wood & Metal Garage Door?


Yes, we work on both.

They each have their own variations here and there.

Our job is to know exactly what those are and conduct the maintenance accordingly.

But with as much experience as we have, it's practically second nature at this point.

2. How Much Experience Do We Have?


We have Over 12+ Years of Experience in garage door maintenancesrepairs, and installations.

We know all the ins and outs at this point like the back of our hands.

And based upon our 5-Star ratings from long-time, satisfied customers, we've been doing a pretty good job at it.

3. What Size Garage Doors Do We Adjust?



1 Car, 1 1/2 Car, 2 Car, 2 1/4 Car, 2 1/2 Car, and even 3 1/2 Car!

As long as it's a garage door, we'll be able to get it back to it's regular working order.

4. What If It's The Springs That Are The Issue?


Spring tension is easy to overlook when it comes to garage doors but is often the cause of most hiccups that occur.

If your spring needs to be rewound and tightened back to its original state, we'll do it.

And if there are any further calibrations or alignments that need to occur, we'll take care of those during the maintenance process as well.

5. How Fast Can We Conduct Your Adjustment?


Once you give us a call, we'll come out to your location and access your garage door's condition As Soon As Possible.

We pride ourselves on receiving calls, showing up and then repairing garage doors all on the very same day.

And if it's a longer repair than usual, within the next 24 Hours.